Dec 23, 2009

A Holiday 2 for 1: Two News Items, One Post

Today, seeing as how we'll be silent tomorrow and the day after (someone's gotta drink the egg nog, right?), we thoughts we'd give you a holiday present with two very note-worthy news stories.

The first one would be this item out of Boston, where a teenage boy refused to go to sleep for fear of not being able to play Grand Theft Auto for a couple of hours (we must reference the Warcraft kid, and ask if it isn't his mother finally begging for help here?). So what did mom do? Call the cops and have them try to convince her child that the world won't explode if he just sleeps for a few hours.

No word on whether the mother or the cops were actually successful or if someone gave the kid a nice Klonopin and brandy, but, either way you chose to game it this week (and we all know we're gonna be getting brand new gaming treats) try spending as much quality time with fam as with your WiiMote. Otherwise you'll get the cops called on you.

And if you're already a pretty measured gamer, AND, love a good deal, the rumors of a Steam holiday sale are true. Our second news story is of the "up to 80% off" sale going on at the PC gaming retail service right now. 


The sale samples the store's greatest hits of the year and is only going on for a limited time. So rush here as soon as possible and grab as much content before the new batch of '10 release hit Steam's shelves. 

Fully story on sale at Joystiq.

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