Feb 6, 2010

The Cross Platform Content Strategy Revolution

Why would Playfish sell to EA? 300 million is a juicy price tag, sure, but that wasn't really it. They saw their moment and realized that they should take it before the market changed and they were sidelined.


In some of his first public comments since the deal was announced, Kristian Segerstrale, president and general manager of Playfish, says Playfish was making a proactive move in a market that he believes will change quickly into one where well-known brands will have an advantage.
The wild west of facebook is coming to a close and more established brands are going to rule the app and gaming market there. What's interesting is that he seems to feel the companies with cross platform capabilities and strategies are gong to fare much better.

We agree. The content market is splintered. peopel get there informatio and entertainment on a widevariety of devices and platforms. If you can't go to where the consumer is they will not find you. Go to where the fish are.

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