Feb 9, 2010

Season Two Characters in Deadliest Warrior: Defend and Conquer

Our new game for Deadliest Warrior: Defend and Conquer will pit Season One characters against Season Two characters! Yes, you heard me right. Vikings, Ninjas, Spartans and the like from the first season will face off against the as-yet undisclosed warriors from the highly anticipated second season of Deadliest Warrior.
While we're not allowed to reveal what season two characters are featured we can tell you how they play a role in the game.

Defend and Conquer will feature four campaigns at various levels of upgrade and purchase on the various release platforms. As we've said in previous posts, the game is a tower defense style game with unique twists and challenges. The player will place upgradeable warriors to stave off the oncoming assault of troops advancing across the field of battle. For the first three campaigns the warriors will consist of season one warriors. The attackers will be season two characters. In campaign four, which can be purchased on both the web and iphone versions, the player's warriors and the attackers will consist of season two characters. It's turning out to be ridiculously fun to play this game as we test it and get it ready for release.

In subsequent posts we'll tell you about the amazingly cool hero options and the numerous achievements you can unlock and post to Facebook so that all your friends can view the spoils of your victories.

Here are some screenshots of the iPhone beta:

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