Jun 8, 2010

The next Silicon Valley? It may be New York

Silicon Valley -- or Silicon Alley? To non-techies, that's the San Francisco Bay Area versus New York. If you're an internet startup company, it's a debate that's probably plagued you at some point.

Do you remember the giant Double Click "Welcome to Silicon Alley" sign? The late nineties parties where models swooned with geeks as start ups blew threw venture money like so much confetti. Heady days, friends.

Today's New York tech scene has a different, more grounded flavor, but who knows we may be heading back to the glory days of NY tech. I could use a few more VC funded cocktails.... well, if it's at someone else's start up. Having lived through the ups and downs of the economy in NYC for the last 10 years we appreciate what a rare opportunity it is to have your idea believed in, nurtured to a company and product that is brought to fruition. Yes.. we have a few ideas we're looking to step into the ring with.

Take a look at the article and let us know what you think.

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