Jan 15, 2011

Hercules Blog: Game Balancing - Why won’t she die?

Whether your fighting the Scorpion King, Medusa or a lowly undead berserker it is important to choose the right weapon. Everyone knows this. As a game developer it is the challenge of balancing difficulty, skill, ease of understanding and the all important fun quotient. Does it makes sense and seem fair that a single swipe of the scorpion king takes half your life? These are the questions we ask our selves on a daily basis.

You can read all about it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, on the Herc log as the main programmer talks about balancing Hercules.  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Side note: as a game dev try recording yourself talk about your game and the listening to it later in another environment. It is difficult to take yourself seriously. My favorite me quote is this sphere: "Ninjas are way too mature for this game". 

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